Chris W Thomson


The site you are on right now!

I spent years, going through many different designs, trying to create my own website - one that at least approximated what I envisioned for it. I initially started in Wordpress, but it wouldn’t allow me (I didn’t have to knowledge) to create the type of website I wanted. At that time I didn’t really understand web development or the purpose of WordPress - it’s for mid-naughties-style blogging, nothing else.

I then discovered ModX through work, and decided I’d give ModX Revolution a try, to familiarise myself with the differences between it and Evolution.

I had a flash of inspiration one Friday, of a very plain, minimalist website, using icons in the menu, and then spent the weekend putting it together. I then redeveloped the site in ModX Evolution (didn’t like Revolution), which was my weapon of choice until ProcessWire came into my life (and changed it forever).

I then redeveloped the site using ProcessWire, with an even more minimal but far more effective design (and oddly closer to the original vision I had for the site several years ago).

As much as I love ProcessWire, I felt that going the static route with Hugo, combined with Netlify, was probably a better long term solution, requiring no ongoing maintenance. This is the site you see now.

I later integrated the site with Netlify CMS, so I’d have a easier way to update it.

Hope you like it!

Date Version System
2020-02-02 4 Hugo with Netlify CMS
2018-12-24 3 Hugo
2015-11-19 2 ProcessWire
2013-02-03 1 MODx Evolution